Monday, September 20, 2010

Get down, get dirty, get green.
The poor people in this article are suffering from spotty dishes.

Few are saying it, but choosing lower-impact products and habits means living a dirtier life: Wash in cold water, and the socks are dingy; don't use dioxin-creating chlorine bleach and your shower tints pink with Serratia marcescens; recycle your gray water and you have some mucky buckets in your house; wear your clothes thrice and cut out the aluminum-armpit-crust, and you will smell richer than your compatriots; eat veggie diet and your intestines will swarm with happy (and healthy it seems) bacteria.

Do I have an immune system? Yup. And it needs some exercise: I *benefit* from an environment that is not hyper-clean. And so does my Mother Earth.

Embrace it. It is the future. It is truth. Your cleanliness is too expensive. (And don't you have something else to do?)