Monday, May 10, 2010

Mouse Grimace Scale

Now they will be able to scientifically measure nonspeaking animals' pain.

So that lab animals "don't suffer unnecessarily."

Who gets to say what the necessary suffering will be?

Can no one remember Stanley Milgram?

Friday, May 7, 2010

vegan vice, ooo so nice

Excellent: Interviewer to man watching naked girls, dollarbill tucked behind ear, eating first ever vegan meal: "Would you consider becoming a vegan?" "Uh ... yes!"

It's the PETA influence: don't ghettoize veganism into a little pocket of stuffy virtue---gloss it with lots of sexy glamour so people don't feel deprived---hence the naked people clustered together in animal costumes in the streets, and the glam celebs espousing their weight loss and good skin, kissing doves or baby koalas.

That's what's in all the vegan dessert cookbook craze: Okay I'm giving up all animal food, but I can eat lotsa rich yummy desserts. There's just no appeal in plain goodness.